Bringing Samples to the Flow Core

There are a few steps involved before bringing samples to the flow core for analysis.  Please read the following guide in order to understand the process and ensure that all requirements are met before bringing samples to the core.

  1. When considering a new experiment with the flow core facility, please first contact the operator. While a diverse array of samples are routinely accepted by the core, please be advised that some assays may not be compatible with the setup we employ. Please plan a time to meet with the operator to discuss the viability of your assay, as well as any steps that should be taken to prepare samples appropriately for cytometry or sorting.

    2. After meeting with the operator to determine if your sample(s) are appropriate for analysis in the facility, you will be directed to complete a request form. Please fill out the correct request form (either the new user request for flow cytometry users or the sort request form for cell sorting users).  Complete and submit your form via the online system; please contact the operator with any questions regarding this form.

    3. Once the flow core staff has reviewed your form, you will receive an email informing you whether or not your samples are acceptable for sorting/analysis.  If your samples are rejected, you will be informed as to the reasoning. NOTE: please do not book until you have received confirmation from flow core staff that your request to use the facility has been approved.

    4. Make sure that your samples and preparation method are appropriate for the experiment you intend to pursue. Parameters such as fluorophore(s) being used, sample concentration, and media for sample suspension (among others) can greatly affect the success of your experiment. The operator can help you determine the appropriate parameters for your experiment—contact flow core staff with any questions.

    5. Once you have received confirmation from the operator, you can reserve time with the instrument you would like to use. Go to the reservation calendar page and choose the time you would like to reserve with the instrument.  These requests are reviewed similarly to the sample requests (step 2).  You will receive an email acknowledging your request for instrument reservation.  The flow core staff will review your booking request.  If you have an approved flow cytometry or sort request on file, your booking will be approved.  If you do not, your booking will be denied.  You will receive an email informing when you booking is accepted or denied.  Please do not come unannounced!  If you are bringing samples unannounced, you may be interrupting an already scheduled sort.

    6. If you have any questions at any point during the process, please feel free to contact the operator.